Its 1:30 in the morning-Monday morning- and i'm just starting a paper that was actually due weeks ago. Plus tomorrow (or today, rather) is the last day of the class that aforementioned paper is due in. If anyone can beat that in its patheticness.....I applaud you.
Posted by Grace Monkey at June 14, 2004 01:34 AMI think I may be able to beat you on that one. In my Theatre Production class our final quarter was one project, and each piece was a part of the project. The final exam was the presentation and completed pieces of the project. Well, all throughout the fourth quarter I did nothing, literally. I sat there, twiddled my thumbs, went on the computers when I could. Pretended I was doing something so that my teacher wouldn't get too mad. Well, exam day came up(we took our exam with seniors in that class) and I decided, hell... I can still possibly get 30% on my final. I figured this because the presentation was 30% and the actually pieces of the project were 70%. Well, I didn't get 30, but I think that's because I didn't exactly have much to present. I had to pull as much out of my rear end as possible. I got a 15%.... That's not bad I'd say... Well, to end the story with a happy ending I suppose, I passed the class for the year. Granted, I only had a 66%, and 64% would've failed, but none the less, I believe getting that 15% on my exam saved... my.... hiney! Hehe, I'm not sure if that beats you, but it's pretty damn impressive!
Posted by: Paul at June 16, 2004 09:20 PMSun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat |
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