June 06, 2004

Posting again..

So, uh... Here I am, posting again. Not really sure what to talk about though.

I've been looking around for the June issue of Computer Gaming World. Unfortunately the July issue is now on the shelfs. What kind of crackhead puts the July issue out even before the first week of June is over. It pisses me off, I mean, I go to three different stores looking for this magazine. It probably cost more money to go the the stores(gas) then it would have to buy the magazine.

On other news I've been playing a game called Gunbound. It's okay. Almost like Worms, if any of you have ever played that. Basically, you choose one of 14 selectable mobiles and you go around shooting people on a level. There are 4 different play modes and 4 different types. 1:1, 2:2, 3:3, and 4:4. On these modes: Jewel, Score, Solo, and Tag. You have an avatar who runs the mobile you select before each game. You get money during the game and you can buy different items for your avatar that will increase the stats on your mobile. It's a turn based game, so you don't have to be real fast or have a good computer in order to win. Although you do need certain specs in order to run the game. If you can't understand something it may be due to the fact that it is a Chinese game and the translations aren't perfect. But you should get the main idea.

Well, I've got a project to finish and some sleep to catch up on. Peace out.

Posted by PaultheFallen at June 6, 2004 11:11 PM
Here's what others have said:

Gunbound is NOT Chinese it is KOREAN!!!

Posted by: Jackle at June 8, 2004 03:18 PM

Ack, my bizzle. Hehe. *slaps himself silly.... well, sillier*

Posted by: Paul at June 9, 2004 06:01 PM
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Known as a "Deprived Child" for my lack of Movie-Viewing experiences I am currently on a mission to correct that. I'm involved in Drama and am a Stage Manager. I have a lot of good friends, many of whom I've known for years, or I hope to know them for years.
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Well, not much to say really. I'm a video game dork in rural orange county. When I say rural I mean that the cows outnumber the amount of people. Most of the time I can be seen eaither A) Sleeping in class, B) Playing games/reading in class, or C) Spending what little time I can with Vicki, my love pig. I have a ton of friends, but a very few whom I'd consider close.
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I’m a kid who has been raised as an only child for most of my life. I am an uncle of four kids. I have a brother and sister but they’re as should I put this screwed up royally in the head. I only have two male cousins, the rest are girls one of them is our very own Mookie. I play a lot of video games but I’ve been known to play hoops once in awhile. I am in the tenth grade at Hylton, which owns Garfield in all the sports.
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There's really not much to say about me. I'm relatively normal so long as you keep me away from milky ways, safty pins, and crosswords. At least I like to think I'm normal. I go to WHS right smack dab in the middle of suburbia, proud to be an otaku and am an obsessive debator (captains next year WHOO!).
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Paul The Fallen
I’m a sophomore at GFHS. Sixteen years old and happy with the number ‘til my next b-day. I love soccer, it’s half my life (I have a lot of different “halves” to my life). Now that that’s cleared up, I play video games, my favorite being Counter-Strike (online FPS). I love to hang out with my friends and just chill. I write poetry and it’s available for viewing at PostPoem.com under the name paulthefallen. That’s about it for me. Ha-la-ba-lu and g’night!
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Known as "Oh Wise and Benevolent One" to those youngsters under my thumb watchful eye, I believe in challenging kids to think for themselves and question the world around them. Their viewpoint and opinions are important, but so is recognizing reality. I see FYF as a giant habitrail, and these guys are intelligent lab-rats. We'll let 'em play and have fun, but once in a while we'll make 'em run the logic maze.
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